Showing posts with label Positive Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Positive Energy. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday Motivation

If You're Happy & You Know It...
Matt Bomer
Wow! Just Wow! There is so much turmoil going on in the world I am, well, needing an oasis to escape to. Is there actually one available where my positive energy won't take a licking? Most likely not.

Thus my Monday  Motivation is finding things that make me happy today. Like this photo of Matt Bomer wearing next to nothing on the beach meditating. This is how I am starting off my Monday and now because of me, so are you.

As I navigate the journey that is today I am going to focus on everything that there is to be happy about, and pay it forward with good vibes only.

Seeing this image of delicious Matt looking oh so tranquil on a peaceful stretch of sand is a great kick off point.

It's giving me what I need right here, right now. Then when I move on with my day it will be time to find some other Monday Motivation to bring back the happy. I am up for the challenge, you???

Who's the Happy Monkey? Why you are, duh!

Get "Happy" at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:  

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Just Because...A Royal Wedding Portrait

What A Feeling!
Prince Harry & Meghan Markle

Just Because I love black and white photography, Just Because the magic still lingers & Just Because they make such a great pair - here is the official portrait of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle brought to you by the words Royal & Wedding.

You know I really don't have much to say about posting this, since I am probably one of the last individuals covering and commenting on pop culture to do so. 

This beautiful image speaks for itself. You don't need me to tell you my impressions of it, because I am betting mine are simpatico with yours.

Plain and simple this image evokes positive energy. That's something everyone needs right here, right now. So let's go with it - what a feeling!

Enjoy more Royal Wedding photos here: